
Monday, 10 August 2015

PROJECT NAME:-Implement access list ,Port Security and DHCP for an organisation

by Parveen Punia  |  at  23:54

 Implement access list ,Port Security and DHCP for a Company Network

In this project we make three lab named as block 1, bock 2 and block 3 .Every block have several number of pc and one admin pc .An office lab also created in which the main router of company is placed .There is three servers that are working on wide area network server name are Google, YouTube, Facebook there is no control of company on any server because they are placed outside the company network.

Block 1
There is 8 simple users pc and one Admin pc .User pc are not allowed to use Facebook and YouTube sites. Admin pc can use these sites without any restriction.

Block 2
8 simple users pc are placed in this bock with one admin .Same security measures and privileged done in this block .Admin can configure the switch any time so admin pc is connected with a console  wire .

Block 3
Same number of simple users pc are placed and one admin pc .number of users pc may vary according to the working need of a company .New user  can access company network when administrator allowed this user .

In office there is a single pc which is just use to configure the company router .All blocks connectivity can be controlled from this office router. A single switch is connected to this router all thee lab are directly connected to main switch.

1. Requirements of company form us is that in every block no client is able to use Facebook and YouTube on their pc except Google. But the admin pc should allow access any site and internet service .We can do this by using access list technology.

2. Second thing is that if there is any type unauthenticated user try to attach their own device with company switches then proper security should be implemented .This is possible by using port security service. There is many action provided by the port security service if any volition is count but we use here default action i.e. shutdown. If any user try to attach there device with company switch then the port immediately shutdown without any delay.

3. Third requirement is that no one allowed to enter IP address in pc statically all host are given IP address automatically except the admin of each block. For this we use the dhcp service on company router.

To full feel these requirements  there are some other configuration alo done some of them are Network Address Translation, Interface configuration on routers ,Create pool for DHCP on router.



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